
How to Improve User Experience in 2021

  A Complete Guide to User Journey There is no denying that the pandemic has changed the world of marketing in a big way. Marketers and companies had to quickly adapt to the rapid changes in the market. More professionals began to work remotely, and companies began to focus on digital marketing. Accordingly, marketers looked for innovative ways to improve the online user experience. But why did this happen? What is the User Journey? Due to the Covid-19 situation, most people have started shopping online and expect companies to be more engaging. This fact has created new customer priorities and changed the way a successful customer experience looks like. In a few words, the user journey is exactly what its name suggests: a representation of the timeline of a customer’s online (or offline) experience. Unlike traditional approaches, the user journey has everything to do with the customer’s perspective. What’s the User Journey Role in Customer Experience Awareness:  Where an online user se

Choosing a Professional Marketing Consultant for your Business

  These days, having the help of a marketing specialist is imperative. Marketing environments are more complicated than ever. Connecting with an external advisor could be the best decision you've ever made for your business, regardless of whether you have a startup or a global brand. But with so many marketing consultants out there, how do you choose the right one for you?  What is a Digital Marketing Consultant? A digital marketing consultant is someone that can help you increase your traffic, capture more customers and booster your revenue. It is your choice whether to hire an external support for your digital marketing, but it can be one of the best investments you ever make. Their highly specialised knowledge and deep experience help scale your business' online presence and drive results. From Facebook or Google Ads, there is just no greater alternative.  Choosing a Top-Tier Marketing Consultant Here's a list of things to consider before you take the leap and hire your